Sonder Girl

Spring Skin Renewal with Sonder

Spring offers an ideal opportunity to refresh both your skin and skincare routine. With milder weather and increased humidity, it is the optimal time to focus on skin rejuvenation. Infusing the skin with deep hydration, while incorporating antioxidants and vitamins can have a dramatic effect on skin health. Embracing the renewal of spring allows for a revitalized complexion for months to come.

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Red Light Therapy

Superfruit Renewing Facial-60 min

Experience our Superfruit Renewing Facial, infused with potent pomegranate and blueberry extracts, enzymes, and antioxidants. This facial delivers a myriad of benefits, including deep hydration, improved texture and tone, and enhanced radiance. Includes our LED red light therapy treatment to stimulate the skin and leave you refreshed, replenished, and glowing with vitality.

$160 ($195 value)

Add an Oxygen Blast for the perfect Spring Glow add $50

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